Tuesday, August 25, 2015

$4 thrift store lamp makeover

 The repainted lamp looking pretty fly on the madeover desk

I found this metal lamp at Value Village for $3.99. It had cool lines and I immediately knew that with a paint job it would be a killer piece for my sister's new office. 

I wrapped the cord and covered the inside edge of the lamp shade with painter tape, then started spraying a copper paint. It took about 3 coats to completely cover it and in maybe 2 hours I had a great-looking lamp that complemented the makeover desk quite nicely

Total cost: $11
     $4 for the lamp. $7 for the paint
Easiest part: The painting was so easy.
Hardest part: tightening the loose fasteners.
What I'd do differently next time: I'd paint a little more carefully because it can definitely start to run on the curved parts.
What I learned: That the thrift store is a great place for finding reusable pieces! (I'm not a huge thrifter to begin with.)

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