Thursday, May 21, 2015

Nightstand makeover

We've had this fugly brown, scratched up night stand knocking around the house for years. I always thought that it'd be cute with a new coat of paint, so I hung on to it through a house move. Turns out I was right!

A coat of white, copper-painted legs and a new copper knob gave it a whole new lease on life. I didn't pause to snap a "before" photo in my creative inspiration hastened by the muse of refinishing, so just imagine one here [brown, scratched, ugly].

I used some leftover Behr paint in Swiss Coffee to do all but the legs, applying 3 coats.

I bought a quart of "Devine Penny", a metallic copper paint, at Target to do the legs, applying 4 coats. Also at Target, I found these heavy copper drawer pulls - they came in a 4-pack so I used one for the nightstand and 3 for the dresser I'm also redoing (which will be all white when I finish).

And here is the final product - a very cute "new" nightstand for the bedroom. I'm so pleased with how it turned out, and more than this, inspired by how quick and easy was the transformation. I have more fugly furniture knocking around the house that is also about to get made over!